2023’s Giving Hearts Day

Giving Hearts Day is near and dear to Union State Bank and Stroup Insurance’s hearts.
This organized event has helped raise more than 12 million since its inception. Giving Hearts Day is a 24-hour fundraising event and will be held on February 9th. Its funds are spread throughout charities in North Dakota and northwest Minnesota.
Union State Bank and Stroup Insurance – as well as other community members and businesses – continue to donate towards this great cause that has a direct impact on local healthcare.
SMC is raising funds to help continue to meet current and future healthcare needs in the Mercer County area. This is an opportunity for you as an individual to make an impact on the health and well-being of your community.
Union State Bank and Stroup insurance have donated a combine match of $3,000 towards this year’s Giving Hearts Day.
Schedule your donation today at www.givingheartsday.org