Expecting Tax Documents from USB?

If you are a customer of Union State Bank with an interest-bearing account or a loan, you should have already received your 2021 tax documents.
While completing your 2021 taxes, a person would need to report what their interest earned was in their bank accounts. Your bank should send out a 1099-INT for you to be able to properly report what your accounts made in the last year. However, over the last few years those numbers have dropped dramatically and people who have received this form in the past may not in current years.
To receive a 1099-INT from Union State Bank (or whomever you bank with) you would need to have earned $10 or more in interest in your accounts accumulatively. This means that interest can be added together across checking and savings accounts; and need to equal greater than $10. If that number is more than $10 then a 1099-INT would be printed and sent via mail.
For Union State Bank customers, the tax document does not have our logo on it, but it does state our financial institutions name. If you are a customer of Union State Bank with an interest-bearing account or a loan, you should have already received your 2021 tax documents.
Customers would also be receiving loan interest notice. Holding any loan with Union State Bank would deem it necessary to receive a notice paper of how much interest has been paid to said loan.
Haven’t received tax information from us?
If you have not received a 1099-INT this could mean you simply didn’t make enough in interest. However, if you feel an error has been made or are curious, customers are still capable of receiving this information by inquiring through one of our branches. A customer service representative will be able to assist in sharing how much interest each account made or how much was made accumulatively. This information can also be printed at any of the branches upon request and sent out or picked up.
All of our tax forms should have already been received. If you haven not received your forms let us know.