Palmer brings personal touch to ag lending
9 September 2022
“She’s in the trenches with them,” said predecessor Nathan Richter of Union State Bank’s Ag Lending department. Richter had been with Union State Bank for over a decade as an ag lender and later senior vice president of lending. With his departure from banking, Richter knew he was leaving the department in the right hands.

Michelle Harm, New Consumer Loan Officer
26 July 2022
Union State Bank has hired Michelle Harm for the consumer loan officer position at our Hazen location.

USB Graduates, Dakota School of Banking
22 July 2022
Union State Bank’s Ginny Cheatley and Kelly Martin have completed two years of schooling and graduated from the Dakota School of Banking.

Received a blue postcard?
14 July 2022
Union State Bank has been fielding many phone calls regarding a little blue postcard telling the receiver to call “this number.”

Borlaug Earns Senior Position
8 June 2022
Carla Borlaug has been named Union State Bank’s Executive Vice President of Commercial Lending and Lending Department Manager.

Never too late to chase a business dream
20 May 2022
Richter resigns as Senior Vice President of Lending for entrepreneurial opportunity

May: Mental Health Awareness Month
20 May 2022
Someone’s mental health and wellbeing is not seen on the surface. It is something buried deep inside them, edging its way to be seen or discovered. This isn’t an illness that can be identified on a person right away, however, like a broken arm, this type of pain deserves all the same treatment and care as would any physical injury.

The Corner Chair
16 May 2022
In March, I wrote “Be Brave and Be Bothered,” on a pair of drumsticks I received. I have had those drumsticks laying on my desk ever since, and I look at them often throughout the day. If you come to our 2022 NDBA/SDBA Annual Convention next month in Bismarck, you’ll learn what the drumsticks are about. And I hope in so doing, you are as deeply impacted as I was – and continue to be.

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