25 March 2020
How quickly our world can shift. We’ve made more changes to the way in which we live, work and interact with one another in the last two weeks, than we have over the course of many years.

20 March 2020
Union State Bank has made the decision to close our lobbies in Hazen and Beulah. This decision was one that was not made lightly; however, the safety of our staff, their families and our customers has always been - and remains - our top priority. Please know that we are taking the rapidity of this spread seriously and are continuing to review and respond to information as it evolves.

28 February 2020
Allow Banzai to help you with the daunting task of taxes. Read more on easy ways to plan for tax time.

3 January 2020
Here are some helpful tips to be mindful of when hitting “send” on that money transfer.

20 December 2019
Every November Union State Bank hosts a Christmas Breakfast for its employees. We though we would share the recipes from the breakfast with you since we all enjoyed them so much. Hopefully you will find one to add to your Christmas traditions this year!

16 December 2019
On December 31st we will be bidding farewell to one of our treasured Stroup Insurance agents. Mike Just is retiring after being with us for 31 years.